This was taken in Putrajaya using my phone. Sorry for the bad quality. LOL. This trip has got to be one of the randomest trips we've ever taken as a family.
What happened was that my younger siblings wanted to go for a drive cause they were bored. I opted out, but in the end, since everyone was going, I went along la. Knowing that our late-night drives usually means that we'll be going around KL looking at lights and just staying in the car, I just wore a T-shirt and a pair of shorts that I would not be seen in public with.
By the time we were all in the car, it was already around 10 o'clock. Suddenly, I felt like I wanted to go somewhere far cause it felt so nice sitting in the car. So I asked my dad, instead of just going around the Bukit Bintang area like we always do, why don't we go somewhere further.
When my dad asked me where, I said I didn't know. LOL.
And then one of the girls said "Let's go Putrajaya!"
My dad was hesitant la. And then it just so happens that when we stopped at a traffic light, I noticed that car beside us had the number plate PUTRAJAYA. I told my dad about it and Anis said "It's a sign, Papa. Let's go to Putrajaya"
So yeah, guess where we ended up at eleven o'clock at night?
On the way to Putrajaya, my dad stopped by a petrol station to refuel and he bought us Lipton Green Teas & Ice Teas.
I SWEAR to you that Iskandar, Wani, Anis and I got high on those things.
We were giggling and talking nonsense all the way on the Maju Expressway until we got to Putrajaya. I kid you not.
And just my luck, after I finished off one bottle of the drink, I had the sudden urge to go to the toilet AFTER we've gone past the rest area. Typical.
And then when I told everyone in the car "Can we stop somewhere? I need to go to the toilettttt", Iskandar and Wani started saying the dreaded F and S words: Flush and Sprinkler.
Oh, they also pointed out that the Putrajaya Lake is a large body of water, using numerous ways to make me laugh, and pointed out that we went past a few fountains that were gushing out water. They did all this while I was trying to NOT think about going to the toilet. Evil children.
When we were near the Putrajaya mosque, I was mortified when my mum said "Alia, it looks like you might have to go to the toilet at the mosque". Not only was I not wearing a scarf, I was wearing SHORTS. -__-
Luckily just before the mosque, I spotted the universal stick-figure-wearing-a-dress sign and I almost screeched at my dad to stop the car.
So after that, we stopped at the Dataran and took those silly pictures above. All the people there were dressed decently and there we were in our baju tidur. It felt somewhat liberating, though. LOL.
We were obviously still high on sugar at that time.
But you know what was funny? On the way back, everyone suddenly felt so tired and we were quiet the WHOLE journey. And then it dawned on us that when we were going, we were feeling the effect of a sugar high and that on the way back we were feeling the effects of a sugar crash.
Oh yeah, too much of a good thing CAN be bad for you. LOL.
Yep. I love my family. They're random and impulsive, just like me. =)