
Thursday, July 20, 2006

My sneezing fits are so bad these past few days that if I was given a dollar everytime I sneeze, I would be able to go shopping and buy a few new tops for myself! Ergh. Too bad that's not gonna happen. *sniffs*

Last Saturday, I went to Kinokuniya in KLCC after God knows how long. I miss the place! I love Kinokuniya and other bookstores in general. I could just sit there for hours and hours browsing through the books. So anyways, I was walking through the aisles and I came across the Travel section and I found some books on the best places to go while you're in Malaysia. I checked out the books and I thought to myself, "I haven't gone to lots of the places in Malaysia and I call myself a Malaysian". So I listed down ten places that I would like to go to
if when I have a lot of money to spend on travelling (better start thinking optimistically!):

1. Pulau Langkawi

2. Pulau Tioman

3. Pulau Pangkor

4. Pulau Redang

5. Taman Negara

6. Tasik Chini

7. Cherating (Club Med!!!!!!!)

8. Penang (eat, eat and eat some more!)

9. Cameron Highlands

And last but certainly not least, one of my favourite places in the world, Genting Highlands!!!:

As much as I would love to take credit for these beautiful pictures of these beautiful places, all of these pictures (except for the Pangkor shot!) do not belong to me! But they are gorgeous, aren't they? And me with nary a cent on me right now (Okay, I'm exaggerating) can't possibly go to these beautiful places in the nearest future. *sighs* But it doesn't hurt to dream, right?

Oh yeah, speaking of dreams, have you ever dreamt about somebody that you know but are not close to? Someone like a celebrity or an acquintance or something like that that when you wake up from the dream, you'll be like, "Why was that person in my dream? I don't even know them well"? A few days ago, I had that sort of dream. I dreamt about a celebrity (not telling who it is, though, I don't wanna risk humiliating myself on cyberspace!) and when I told Anis about it, she was like, "takde orang lain ke? Did you curi someone else's dream?" and I was like, "you think I want to dream about him, is it? pleaseee...I don't even like him". I'm not the type that obsesses over celebrities so the dream was a bit weird. That same night, I also dreamt I had twins! Yep, even I don't know what's going on with my mind...I could still remember the dream so I googled "dream interpretation twins" yesterday and here's what it said about my dream:

To see twins in your dream, signifies ambivalence, dualities and opposites. It also represents security in business, faithfulness, and contentment with life. It may also mean that you are either in harmony with or in conflict between ideas and decisions.

Although I like what they said about security in business and all those stuff, I think the "conflict between ideas and decisions" sounds more like me. I don't think I'm actually very content with my life now because I'm becoming more and more restless with every day that goes by. But dreams are just dreams, y'know....they can't predict the future....sometimes dreams just show you what you subconsciously want. Well, whatever it is, I know I really want a holiday! Not as in a sit-at-home-and-do-nothing holiday but more of a travel-to-places-and-go-sightseeing holiday! Maybe I should go and kacau Ayah Su in PD...hmmmmm....or maybe save some money for me to go to Genting.......hmmmmmmm..........................my dear cousin, do you want to join me for a holiday sometime soon?

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