Addiction, addiction, addiction
Sunday, July 30, 2006
So let's get straight to the point, yep, I changed my layout again. I realised that the Blogger layouts are damn boring so I hunted down a new one from the net. It's so comel so more! And it goes with my style of blogging! So anyways, the reason I haven't posted for a few days is because my internet has been down for about 10 days now and I still do not have access to the net at home, so currently I'm blogging from my cousin's house! The 10 days (and still counting, mind you) of not having any internet access at home is freaking killing me! I realised that ever since I finished A-Levels, the internet has been my constant companion so not having any access what-so-ever to the internet made me so depressed. I think I'm addicted to the net. Dammit. That's damn pathetic, right? Everyone else are addicted to ciggies or coffee or chocolates, but noooooo, I just HAD to be addicted to the freaking internet. Like my mum, she's addicted to coffee. I think she drinks about 20 cups a day. No kidding. But my addiction to the internet is so bad that I even dreamt one night about using the internet.
Oh yeah, remember my sneezing fit? It evolved into a full-blown flu on Monday so I was sick and had to stay in bed for two whole days. Dah la I was suppose to go for a wedding kat Shangri La. Monday night, while lying in my bed thinking about the wedding that I was supposed to go to, my maid brought in some fried rice for me. I tried eating it, but God, I could've been eating sawdust for all I know. Couldn't taste anything. So I asked my siblings about the rice to see if it was as tasteless to them as it is to me but noooooooo, they said that it was good. I knew it was spicy, though, because my tongue was all tingling, but I could not taste anything. So well, that kinda sucked.
I finally saw Pirates 2 today! It was good la....but I was hoping for something more. Jack Sparrow is damn funny....absolutely love him to the max!!!!!!!Pirates was kinda like a family outing for us because my family, my uncle's family and my grandparents at the MBO Cineplex in Ampang to watch the movie. There were 15 of us and the best thing about the cinema was that because it's a pretty unknown place relative to KLCC, we could choose our seats and it was quite funny trying to find nice seats for 15 people. After that we went to eat at this Indonesian restaurant called Wang Solo near the cinema. In the restaurant, we saw this poster about a guy and his wives. Yep, wives. On the poster it said, "banyak istri, banyak rezeki" and we were arguing whether that fella in the poster was posing with his five wives or if he was posing with his four wives and his kid. Talk about promoting poligamy. I seriously do not wish to share my husband with one other woman, let alone three. Over my dead body. He wants to have another wife, I want everything. All of the money, all of the harta. I guess they think a bit differently in Indonesia kot. Dunno la.
I'm going back later to my house and somehow I don't think I can use the internet at home, so if it takes like, a month, to update my blog, please forgive me. I hope my Streamyx will be back online soon. Bloody Streamyx. Apparently I'm not the only one complaining about stupid Streamyx.
Okie, ciao peeps.
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