Wednesday, July 02, 2008
I finally updated my blogger to the new blogger template thingy.
Unlike most people, i used the old blogger form, and because i was so lazy, i didn't upgrade my blogger to the newer form.
But since I'm on holiday, I was like, fine, I shall change it now.
And so, TA-DAAAA, i'm using the new blogger form right now.
I'm still trying to tweak my blog's layout properly, so i'm sorry if it looks a bit chaotic right now.
Oh, over the past week, I've been to my uncle's place in PD. TWICE.
And what did I do while I was there?
Absolutely nothing.
And it was the best thing ever!!!!
Just lazing around, watching TV, looking at the beach, going for was the best way to rejuvenate after like almost 2 bloody months worrying about the exams. (By the way, results are coming out in a week's time. Haih)
Some random pictures from our drives around PD and heading back from PD:
And some random pictures of me in PD, hahaha:
Yes, that is my behind in the first picture. I have to thank my dear sister for taking that picture. NOT.
Oh yeah, while we're on the subject of my sister, since she has gotten her license, we decided that PD would be a sort-of better way to get her used to driving before she steps out into the crazy KL traffic. Especially after finding out about the accident where a lorry smashed into 13 other vehicles that stopped at a traffic light. And this is why you should never beat a red light. Worst part is, the reckless lorry driver is still alive while one of the innocent drivers died. Idiot.
Anyways, getting back to my story, I realise that I really have gained a lot of experience in driving because while my sister was driving, I keep on saying things like you shouldn't do this and you shouldn't do that because yada, yada, yada. And while I was teaching her how to reverse park, I realise that OCD-when-it-comes-to-parking runs in the family cause she wasn't satisfied until the car was straight. Yep, she's my sister alright.
And I realise that I do not have the patience to be a teacher. -_- I will NEVER become a driving instructor cause I know I'll drive my students mad by nagging all the time. While we were on the PD highway, I gave my sister a sort of contradicting advice. I was telling her, "you can go faster" and then a few seconds later, "but you don't have to go so fast". It got me thinking, if I were in my sister's shoes, I would have been confused by the advice. And I think one of the things that I kept on saying to my sister is that, "Brake, Anis, BRAKEEEE!". Really. I pity her for having a worrywart like me as a sister.
Anis and I are also kitty-sitting our kitten, Angel because due to some unfortunate events, the kitten had some nasty injuries to her paw and she kinda broke her paw and if she stays out with her siblings and mummy, she might not be able to use that paw cause they're a bunch of very active cats. Especially the mummy, who is due to give birth any day now. -_- So anis and I think it's better for the kitten to recuperate in our room cause she'll be less prone to sustaining injuries than as compared to when she's with her naughty siblings.
The problem is right, the little kitten likes to climb onto chairs and tables and stuff, and whenever we put her in the cage, she'll start whining like mad. Anis and I feel like we're taking care of a baby cause we can never let her out of her sight, we have to clean her poop, has to feed her and she'll wake us up at some ungodly hour so that we'll let her out of her cage. Warghhhh. And don't get me wrong, I love kittens and babies. It's just a bit irritating to hear her whining every single day. -_-
Oh, and I realise right, that I tend to be very lazy in updating my blog whenever I'm on holidays. I'll try to change this bad habit of mine. Hahahahaha.
9:31 AM
u letak ur kitten in ur room?? ahh comelnesss!!! haha. neway nice pics darling :) esp da one of ur asset hahaha
2:57 PM
the piccies are lovely
& the last pic tu v.nice laaa;)