
Thursday, May 15, 2008

I took these pictures on one of the many drives that my family has gone for over the past couple of weeks. Everytime we go for these drives, I'll be looking outside, just soaking in the surroundings and I feel contented.

The valleys, the clouds, the beaches, the trees, the roads, the occasional cows (hihi). I love looking at them.

And I come to a conclusion: I absolutely LOVE going for drives.

Sometimes I wonder what it would feel like to, you know. I'd like to feel how driving feels when it's for the sake of driving and not because it's a mean of transportation that gets you from place to place.

One day I'd really like to go for a roadtrip around Malaysia where I don't have to worry about exams, assignments and life in general.

Right now, I would say that if I were to be given a perfect birthday present, it would be the chance to go and drive around Malaysia with a few of my closest friends. Or maybe next birthday I'd like to have enough money to go on the roadtrip! =)

I'm also still waiting for the day when someone drives me around and announces spontaneously, "Hey, let's go for a drive to PD/Melaka/wherever just for fun".

Problem is, I think I'll be the one announcing that, and I'll be getting the "is-this-girl-serious?" look by the person that I made the announcement, too.

In my head right now, I have this sort of like a Hollywood-esque, "romanticised" version of a roadtrip where there are practically no cars on the road, no tolls and the roads are full with gorgeous landscapes that is just nice on the eyes.

But I'm a realist (I think pessimist might be better), and I know that if I want to go for a roadtrip in Malaysia, I must go on weekdays, must take the ridiculous toll rate into consideration (cause jalan kampung's quite the scary nowadays), must NEVER go during festivals, and must never go alone. And I think I better have enough money, or else I'll get stranded cause I got no petrol money.


If only I could just go away for one day.

I really wish I could.


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3 scribbles: to “ Drives....

  • kellneriner
    9:48 PM  


  • Breathing.In.Luxembourg
    6:29 AM  

    i wanted to comment earlier, i keep forgetting to do so. im soooo up to impromptu things. so if u really wanna do anything crazy and you've tried to drag everybody else and the all tak mau, just holler me k.

    tp, since the gas price already naik. semua terbatal la kan alia dear;) but my offer still stands:)

  • alia
    3:26 PM  

    I love doing impromptu stuff.

    They're funnnnnnnnnnn!

    Minyak naik ni memang terus spoil all my impromptu plans. Sekarang nak pegi mana2 pun kena berkira. Urgh.

    I don't like!!!!

    Yes, next time, if i have no partner-in-crime, i'll definitely ajak you! =D


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