Raya blues
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I'm a bit bummed right now.
The reason being that everyone from BOTH my mom and dad';s side of the family would be going back to Kelantan for Raya Haji.
But my dad can't go back because he has no more leave and he's on-call. So that means my family will be the only ones left in KL while everyone else is in Kelantan. How boring.
On another note, my dad had just bought a new oven! Now I can start baking again! Yay!
Our first attempt at using the oven was quite interesting. The kids were on holidays and were bored and wanted cookies, so we decided to buy the Betty Crocker ones where you just basically add in butter and an egg and not make the cookies from scratch. Cheating, but still tasted good! Hahahaha. Maybe I'll try to make a meatloaf soon. Then can finish off all the old bread.
My mum wants me to bake a cake for raya. Seriously, as much as I would like to, I have no idea how to make a cake from scratch. And I'm too lazy to actually find recipes. But maybe I'll try to find some la. *Sigh* But I really do not know how it will turn out. Scaryyy.....
I don't want people to get stomach-aches on raya because of me. And I don't want people to eat burnt cake, either.
Oh well, I guess better go experiment now.
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