
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Currently listening to: Michelle Branch's All You Wanted

Was listening to while driving just now, and I just happened to listened to the Graduation song by Vitamin C and I just realised that it's been almost 2 years since I've finished schooling. I realised that I've changed a lot in the last couple of years, so I'm going to try think of how I was like 2 years ago and how different I am now compared to back then.

2 YEARS AGO, I was busy studying (and panicking) for my SPM trials and subsequently, the real SPM exam.
NOW, I'm damn worried about my IELTS test in 2 weeks time as I just realised how horrendous it can be for someone with such a short attention span like me to stay focused for the Listening test. Damn. Guess some things never do change.

2 YEARS AGO, I couldn't wait to get out of school.
NOW, I wish I was back in school. :(

2 YEARS AGO, I wanted to fit in with everyone.
NOW, I don't even care anymore.

2 YEARS AGO, I was jealous of everyone in the driver's seat.
NOW, I am jealous of everyone in the passenger's seat when I'm in the driver's seat.

2 YEARS AGO, I dreamt of driving to a lot of places in Malaysia with no worries whatsoever.
NOW, with the escalating price of petrol, I know that driving to the places itself will cause the headache. And I'm just too lazy. I drive an average of 60 km a day and it's already killing me. But I still dream about driving with a suitcase, a map and plenty of petrol and moolah and just drive around the country.

2 YEARS AGO, I thought my whole life depended on passing my SPM.
NOW, I realised that it's ok to fail sometimes.

2 YEARS AGO, I didn't curse much.
NOW, I curse frequently, even though I use "milder" words rather than the f word. ;)

2 YEARS AGO, I didn't have a boyfriend.
NOW, I still don't have a boyfriend. haha. My, how things have changed. NOT.

2 YEARS AGO, I didn't know what I would be doing after school.
NOW, I have a better idea of what I want to do.

2 YEARS AGO, I'm a bit shy to go in front of a camera.
NOW, I'm getting better at it. I can be a camwhore when I want to. ;)

2 YEARS AGO, I had a blog but I abandoned it.
NOW, I'm back to blogging and it's fun, fun, fun! :D

Looking at the list above, I guess some things have changed, and some things still remain the same. Whatever it is, I think I'm a better person now, or so I hope. But whatever la. Oh yeah, yesterday I went to the launching of the Perak Ladies Club's (PLC) Youth Bureau at De Palma Hotel in Ampang. Anis' friend, Kimmy, invited us to go so Anis and I went la. It's quite funny because Anis wants to join but technically, we are not from Perak and I don't think we have any Perak blood sesat in us. But you can join as long as you're not married and under 25 years old. Oh yeah, I said it was the Perak LADIES Club's Youth Bereau, right? But what's damn funny about the bureau is that the president is a guy. Haha.

Do I have anything else to write about? Don't think so...I'm damn sleep has been damn irregular and I don't like it when it's time for my VIP (very important period) to come. I always have this mood swings and I become very snappy.

Oh yeah, Siti Nurhaliza's getting married next week. Whoopee.

Time for me to move on to better things (sleep!!!!!!!)


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