plain nonsense  

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

One question: If someone who paints is a painter, someone who drives is a driver and someone who blogs is a blogger, then how come someone who draws isn't a drawer? Or someone who cooks isn't a cooker? Or someone who sews is not a sewer? Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?

My IELTS exam is on the 2nd of September so I'm kinda brushing up on my English right now so that's why I asked that question. haha. Stupid IELTS test would be on a Saturday at 8.15 am!!!!!!!!!!! Boo-hoo! I don't mind waking up early on a weekday, but on a weekend..... I don't even know how to prepare for the exam! But that's ok....i'm going for the IELTS workshop next week!

Talking about exams, A-Levels results are coming out next Thursday/Friday!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think it has sunk in yet, because frankly, I don't feel anything. No worries, no nothing. Yet. I know I'll be having a panic attack though when I go back to HELP next week to pick up the results. I just hope I don't fail anything.

Shit, I'm starting to feel a little bit scared right now. That is just soooooooooooo great.

You know what I've realised? In the newspapers these past few weeks, other than the news about the Lebanon-Israel bombing, which had killed lots of civilians including innocent children and had made Lebanon's Prime Minister Fuad Siniora pled tearfully to the Israelis to ceasefire immediately, are the news about bloggers' freedom, or more specifically, the "abuse" of freedom by bloggers. A blogger in the US is already going to jail and even back home, bloggers can easily be on their way to jail if someone reports that the posts on their blogs are giving out "misleading information" about the government, etc, etc. Isn't a blog supposed to be a place where someone can post their thoughts and share their opinions with the world? So what if we do write misleading information? Half of the things on the internet is crap anyways, so it doesn't really matter, right? And please's not like our government tak corrupted. We are all corrupted in one way or another. And cyberspace is the only place where a Malaysian can really be heard...maybe the government should think about that.

I'm really tired.......still have a long day tomorrow...i'm off to Dreamland...wonder who I'll see tonight in my dreams...

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1 scribbles: to “ plain nonsense

  • Z
    11:52 PM  

    Half of the things on the internet is crap anyways, so it doesn't really matter, right? And please's not like our government tak corrupted. We are all corrupted in one way or another.

    LOL. That was funny. Good one. =)

    Good luck for your IELTS, and godspeed for your ALevel results! =D


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