the day i fell sick...
Monday, April 17, 2006
As I'm typing this, I am stuck in my room, feeling really crappy, my head thumping, my stomach churning, my lips dry and my whole body just uncomfortable. I'm sick....:(:(:( I don't like being makes me feel immobile, helpless, cranky n nauseous.
And the funny thing was, I was bragging to my friend last Tuesday that I have not been sick at all for the past 6 months...haha, so much for being invincible! I'm forced to eat my own words! *sheepish smile* And what's worse is that I got sick during the weekends!!!!!!!!!! talk about bad timing!!! :(
Now i'm stuck in bed, hungry like hell but with no appetite whatsoever, left at home while my siblings went out with my parents n i am left with absolutely nothing to do. Nada. even the tv hates me.
But the thing is, i used to adore getting sick during my school days...because it means that I get to stay at home n do absolutely nothing. Come on, who hasn't fake being sick once in a while to stay at home? ;) Now that I'm in college however, with my flexible lecture timings, I actually enjoy going to college...haha. I mean, I can go do a whole bunch of stuff first before actually heading to college...n since I can drive, it's all the better. But right now, the thought of sitting in my car n driving around is giving me a headache.
I think I better go catch up on some more snooze n hopefully, I'll feel more human later....
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